Model Decizie Demisie

  1. Model Decizie Demisie Fara Preaviz
  2. Model Decizie Demisie Fara Preaviz
  3. Model Decizie Demisie Fara Preaviz Art 81

PDF The main goal of this paper is to propose a mathematical model which can be easily used by the strategic managers of any organisation that initiates a. Aug 22, 2010 - Gasiti mai jos un model de Decizie de radiere. Modelul cadru al CIM este reglementatat de ORDINUL 64/ actualizat cu HG. Prima companie media Radio TV din Republica Moldova care iti prezinta informatie de ultima ora precum stiri, stiri TV, emisiuni TV Radio.

Since the late 1980s, the process of democratization and increased public participation has pressed for the expansion of social welfare in Taiwan, while neoliberalization has affected housing policies to enhance the operation of market... more
Since the late 1980s, the process of democratization and increased public participation has pressed for the expansion of social welfare in Taiwan, while neoliberalization has affected housing policies to enhance the operation of market mechanisms for housing provision. Nowadays, the Taiwanese state primarily facilitates the growth of housing market and homeownership, exercising little control over speculation. Escalating housing prices have led to a strong social rental housing movement. This chapter explores the diminishing role of the state in Taiwan’s housing system and how housing has been understood by the state, placing the discussions in the political and economic contexts after 1949. The chapter also examines how the social housing movement since 2010 has gradually transformed the role of the state in its provision of housing and what obstacles the movement has to confront.
    • by Yi-Ling Chen 陳怡伶
Over the past decade, in both France and Quebec, the establishment of social housing quotas has become one of the primary instruments used by public authorities to encourage the development of social housing. These quotas are binding in... more
Over the past decade, in both France and Quebec, the establishment of social housing quotas has become one of the primary instruments used by public authorities to encourage the development of social housing. These quotas are binding in France while only serving as incentives in Quebec, but they proceed from similar rationales, in that they promote social mixing as a goal of public policy and emphasize the “development opportunities” to be provided by private actors amid reduced government spending. Field research conducted in two French metropolitan areas (Nantes and Lille) and one in Quebec (Montréal) suggests that the principle of “social housing quotas” has only been accepted by the mayors of residential municipalities and project developers—its traditional opponents—on the implicit condition that access is restricted to those already living in the municipality (France) or applicants selected by the housing cooperative network (Quebec). In other words, that the most undesirable, stigmatized groups are excluded.
    • by Fabien DESAGE
Authors: Alba, Beatrice; Lyons, Anthony; Waling, Andrea; Minichiello, Victor; Hughes, Mark; Barrett, Catherine; Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen; Blanchard, Michelle; Irlam, Corey This study examined housing security among 679 lesbian women and... more
Authors: Alba, Beatrice; Lyons, Anthony; Waling, Andrea; Minichiello, Victor; Hughes, Mark; Barrett, Catherine; Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen; Blanchard, Michelle; Irlam, Corey
This study examined housing security among 679 lesbian women and gay men aged 60 years and older living in Australia. We examined a range of potential demographic and psychosocial predictors of whether participants felt that their housing situation was secure. Overall, most participants (89%) felt that their housing situation was secure. We found that the sense of housing security was greater among those who were younger, had people they felt they could depend on, had better self-rated health, and had fewer experiences of sexual orientation discrimination over the past year. In addition, housing security was greater among those who owned their own home and had no mortgage, compared with those who had a mortgage, were renting, or had some other living arrangement. No other demographic variables were significant predictors of housing security. These results can be useful in targeting groups that may be particularly vulnerable to a lack of housing security.

Model Decizie Demisie Fara Preaviz

    • by Andrea Waling
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concept of financialisation has been advanced to capture some of the most important political and economic challenges facing contemporary society. Human geographers and urban studies scholars have emphasised the particular importance of... more
concept of financialisation has been advanced to capture some of the most important political and economic challenges facing contemporary society. Human geographers and urban studies scholars have emphasised the particular importance of the expansion of the financial system for cities through the reduction of housing, real estate and urban space in general to a financial asset, in a manner which intensifies commodification and enhances inequality and volatility within both urban and financial systems. However, a number of scholars have also warned of the danger of treating financialisation in somewhat monolithic terms and the related importance for empirical and theoretical research into the variegated and heterogeneous processes through which the relationship between financial and urban systems takes shape. This article deploys the concept of 'financial circuits' to advance such a research agenda. Halbert and Attuyer (2016) conceptualise financial circuits as the material relations, institutions and practices, which make possible particular sets of relationships between the financial system and urban space in particular contexts. The concept of financial circuits is developed here through an examination of social housing finance in Ireland and Denmark. Quantitative and qualitative data is presented on social housing finance and output between 1994 and 2014. We argue that whether or not social housing finance is public or private is not as significant in explaining divergent outcomes as the nature of specific financial circuits.
    • by Michelle Norris
According to Lefebvre, the right to the city constitutes a request for the construction of urban life able to respond to the needs of everyone. However, this presents difficult to achieve as for evictions, occupations, illegal settlements... more
According to Lefebvre, the right to the city constitutes a request for the construction of urban life able to respond to the needs of everyone. However, this presents difficult to achieve as for evictions, occupations, illegal settlements and the “weakness” of public social housing in some contexts such as countries of Southern Europe.
In Lisbon, is chosen Bairro Padre Cruz as a case study due to the interventions in progress within, in order to face the socio-spatial segregation that characterizes many public neighborhoods.
Included in the Urban Rehabilitation Strategy of Lisbon Municipality, the intervention has a lenghty work schedule, aiming to the housing improvement with a new urban project and the involvement of local actors in a horizontal process.
The methodology of regeneration of alvenarias (masonry) seems to correspond to the application of the principle of deliberative democracy defined in the right to the city. However, the first incursions in the neighborhood and the conversations with residents, researchers and technicians are revealing a scenario also filled with conflicts and disagreements.
The present communication is a beginning and ongoing research within the PhD thesis project in Urban Studies of ISCTE-IUL / FCSH-UNL, focused on analyze and evaluate integrated interventions in social housing through a comparison with the Italian approach and a fieldwork in Lisbon.
    • by Caterina Di Giovanni
Um für die Arbeiter der Stahlfabrik in Terni eine Architektur der Gemeinschaft zu entwickeln, ermittelte De Carlo mit wissenschaftlicher Methodik die Bedürfnisse der künftigen Bewohner. Er entwarf daraus eine Siedlung mit einem... more
Um für die Arbeiter der Stahlfabrik in Terni eine Architektur der Gemeinschaft zu entwickeln, ermittelte De Carlo mit wissenschaftlicher Methodik die Bedürfnisse der künftigen Bewohner. Er entwarf daraus eine Siedlung mit einem ausgeklügelten System aus Wegen, öffentlichen Orten und Schwellenräumen. Das Sozialexperiment des Villaggio Matteotti rührte an zentrale Themen seiner Zeit und stellt Schlüsselfragen an unsere. /// Per sviluppare un'architettura di comunità per i lavoratori dell'acciaieria di Terni, De Carlo ha determinato le esigenze dei futuri abitanti con una metodologia scientifica. Ha progettato un insediamento con un sofisticato sistema di percorsi, luoghi pubblici e spazi soglia. L'esperimento sociale del Villaggio Matteotti ha toccato temi centrali del suo tempo e pone domande chiave al nostro. /// italian translation available here:
    • by Paolo Vitali
In the urban context, buildings play a key role as they are energy consumers. In well-established cities with a high percentage of aged building stock, the focus should lie on sensitive urban areas where the weakest population sectors and... more
Model Decizie Demisie
In the urban context, buildings play a key role as they are energy consumers. In well-established cities with a high percentage of aged building stock, the focus should lie on sensitive urban areas where the weakest population sectors and the worst physico-economic conditions are usually encountered. In this work, the energy refurbishment of social housing is proposed. A block of municipally owned buildings is selected as a case study to consider that public buildings play an exemplary role according to Directive 2012/27/EU. The group is formed by 12 buildings, which account for 120 dwellings.
This study is grounded on two levels. First the urban level. The building is located in a prioritised urban Area of Rehabilitation, Renovation and Urban Regeneration (ARRU), according to the new local Land Plan. This area presents multidimensional vulnerability and considers urban, building, socio-demographic and socio-economic features. Second, the building presents very low energy performance. It was built in 1959 when a high demand of dwellings and the economic resources then available led to low-quality buildings that are far from meeting today’s standards.
Some proposals are made, having in mind the specific features of the urban context. The energy refurbishment of the building is proposed, selecting the optimal solution, considering technical, environmental and economic criteria. The energy performance simulation shows a remarkable improvement of the energy performance, resulting in an improvement of the thermal comfort of the dwellers. Besides, a reduction in the energy consumption is reached, which would reduce the energy bills and, on the other hand, a reduction of the carbon emissions to the atmosphere, contributing to a better environment quality. Having in mind that the building is intended for social housing, energy poverty situations could be avoided, as dwellings are inhabited by low-income dwellers.
    • by IEREK press
Mémoire pour l'obtention du Master 2 'Urbanisme Habitat et Coopération Internationale', Institut d'Urbanisme de Grenoble. Face à la croissance incontrôlée des villes mexicaines et à la difficile gestion du parc de logements « d’intérêt... more
Mémoire pour l'obtention du Master 2 'Urbanisme Habitat et Coopération Internationale', Institut d'Urbanisme de Grenoble.
Face à la croissance incontrôlée des villes mexicaines et à la difficile gestion du parc de logements « d’intérêt social », constitué principalement depuis 2001, de nombreuses voix s’élèvent pour remettre en cause la durabilité et l’avenir du modèle de production actuel. Avec une production industrialisée d’environ 1 million de maisons -de 38m²
en moyenne- par ans, sur les 10 dernières années, le Mexique a atteint des records en termes quantitatif. Cependant, sans grande considération pour les aspects qualitatifs, la qualité de vie des habitants et vis-à-vis de l’impact occasionné sur l’environnement.
Le rôle prépondérant du secteur privé de la construction dans l’économie nationale pèse lourdement sur la politique du logement, que ce soit à l’échelle fédérale, étatique ou municipale. D’une part, la production massive a permis d’offrir des solutions de logement à quelques millions de salariés mexicains. Mais d’autre part, la grande majorité de la population, vivant d’emplois informels, est exclue de ce système qui concentre pourtant la quasi-totalité des financements publics du secteur. Le changement de majorité présidentielle qui interviendra à la fin de l’année 2012 pourrait signifier un changement conséquent de la politique du logement.
Néanmoins, bien que les alternatives plus durables soient nombreuses et réalisables, les intérêts privés et la corruption sont des facteurs
qui rendront difficile un changement substantiel -et nécessaire- du schéma actuel.
    • by Pierre Arnold
    • by Guilherme Araújo
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Architects have always been keen on providing efficient and ideal housing while considering multiple factors because it is one of the essential needs of human beings. Sustainability has become a core topic in housing design and several... more
Architects have always been keen on providing efficient and ideal housing while considering multiple factors because it is one of the essential needs of human beings. Sustainability has become a core topic in housing design and several studies have tried to define the important factors that should be considered in order to realize sustainable design. Lately, architects and urban planners managed to take steps forward towards social sustainability in design to define the socio-natural relationship allowing lasting environmental quality. Many studies in the US and Europe were conducted to analyze this complex mission. Since different communities have developed different cultures, traditions, and attitudes dealing with housing projects, this paper aims to investigate the different factors and criteria to analyze and evaluate social sustainability in housing projects for culturally different societies. This investigation provides an understanding of the diverse needs of those different communities in terms of socially sustainable design. Different case studies from similar cultures in Turkey and Syria have been analyzed towards the establishment of clear and solid scientific evaluation system suitable for those communities in order to discuss the factors needed to achieve social sustainability of housing on an architectural and urban scale.
    • by IEREK press
Urban sprawl and rising urban populations create a greater need for new infrastructure to connect with the city and places an increased demand and cost on energy supply. We argue that the impact of government intervention in such a... more
Urban sprawl and rising urban populations create a greater need for new infrastructure to connect with the city and places an increased demand and cost on energy supply. We argue that the impact of government intervention in such a landscape becomes increasingly more difficult and less effective in terms of housing as a strategy and instrument to mitigate the effects of a fragmenting city. This paper is based in research undertaking between 2013- 2016 into two key housing projects within the Chilean government’s Socially Integrated Housing program (SIH) (Proyectos de Viviendas de Integracion Social). The authors focus on two key aspects of the SIH program: the quality of the design and construction of the dwellings and the access to and distribution of services and connectivity within the neighbourhood and with the city. Firstly, we consider social integration through the location of the housing developments, the access to services and the related levels of satisfaction with and participation within the created neighbourhoods. Secondly, we consider social integration by assessing the typologies and performance of housing in the two SIH developments and the social-spatial relationship of the housing to the public spaces and amenity. Thirdly, from the aforementioned studies and in the absence of a social measure of integration other than household incomes as a percentage mix of the neighbourhood population, we develop the concept of conviviality.
    • by Beatriz C. Maturana

Model Decizie Demisie Fara Preaviz

Over more than four decades, the Austrian economist, sociologist, and philosopher, Otto Neurath made unique contributions to the fields of museology and curation, which culminated in the founding of the Social and Economic Museum of... more
Over more than four decades, the Austrian economist, sociologist, and philosopher, Otto Neurath made unique contributions to the fields of museology and curation, which culminated in the founding of the Social and Economic Museum of Vienna and its mobile exhibitions in the 1920s. But until today, Neurath’s involvement in the organization of portable “field exhibitions,” which predated those at the Social and Economic Museum by at least half a decade remains understudied. In this essay, I argue that field exhibitions, which were informed by Neurath’s theories on war economy, are instructive in analyzing his overall curatorial ideas. Staged on the outskirts of the city in collaboration with allotment garden and settlement cooperatives, these exhibitions utilized plans and diagrams to convey social and political statements of facts through pictorial statistics and everyday objects. By pairing abstract graphic information with commonplace objects, they invited inhabitants into a conversation about the material world as well as the future by drawing on personal experience. As such, these field exhibitions created a communal environment for viewing and debating information and championed what I call “a collaborative practice of seeing.”
    • by Sophie Hochhäusl
Förderung der Integration oder Zuflucht der einkommensstärkeren Ausländer /
im Fall der Wiener Beispiele
    • by Bilge Kagan Kaya
Cet article examine deux types d’habitations utilisées par les Inuits de l’Arctique de l’Est canadien : la maison moderne en communauté, qui s’est imposée depuis le lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et la cabane dans la toundra... more
Cet article examine deux types d’habitations utilisées par les Inuits de l’Arctique de l’Est canadien : la maison moderne en communauté, qui s’est imposée depuis le lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et la cabane dans la toundra (cabin ou shack), qui a connu un véritable engouement avec la sédentarisation permanente. À partir de matériaux ethnographiques relatifs au Nunavik et au Nunavut, les auteurs montrent que les Inuits ne s’approprient qu’en partie l’habitat de type moderne dans lequel ils vivent. Par ailleurs, même si la maison située dans un espace communautaire est aujourd’hui largement acceptée, les Inuits associent toujours la toundra à un espace plus sain et plus régénérant. C’est là qu’ils construisent de nouvelles habitations sous la forme de cabanons aménagés qu’ils s’approprient davantage et qui laissent apparaître encore plus un habitus nomade. L’idée d’une propriété strictement individuelle inquiète toutefois les plus âgés, pour qui nuna, la terre, ne peut faire l’objet d’une réelle appropriation. Ainsi, même s’il existe un mode d’appropriation visible sur le plan linguistique, la maison contemporaine et le cabanon évoquent encore à certains égards la tente et l’iglou. L’habitus nomade semble toutefois à un point tournant.
This article examines two types of housing used by Inuit in the Eastern Canadian Arctic: the house in the modern communities, a home that has emerged after World War II, and the cabin or shack built by Inuit in the tundra, a type of house that became very common when Inuit moved into permanent settlements. Using ethnographic materials from Nunavik and Nunavut, the authors show that Inuit only partially appropriate the modern-day habitat in which they live. On the other hand, even though the house in a community is now widely accepted, Inuit still associate the tundra with a healthier and regenerating space. It is there that they build their shacks, which they occupy more and which illustrate a nomadic habitus. The idea of a strictly individual property, however, worries the elders for whom nuna, the earth, cannot be appropriated by human beings. Thus, even if there is an appropriation that can be traced linguistically, the contemporary house and the shack still evoke in some respects the tent and the igloo. The nomadic habitus is however at a turning point.
Este artículo examina dos tipos de casas utilizadas por los Inuit del Ártico del Este canadiense: la casa moderna en comunidad que se ha impuesto desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y la cabaña (cabin o shack) de la tundra, que se ha multiplicado con la sedentarización permanente. A partir de materiales etnográficos relativos a Nunavik y Nunavut, los autores muestran que los Inuit no se han apropiado completamente del tipo de hábitat moderno en el que viven. Por otra parte, si bien la casa que se ubica en la comunidad es ampliamente aceptada hoy en día, los inuit siguen asociando la tundra a un espacio más saludable y regenerador. Es aquí donde construyen nuevas casas (“shacks”) de las que se apropian cada vez más y que revelan la continuidad del habitus nómade. Sin embargo, las personas de mayor edad cuestionan la idea de una propiedad estrictamente individual, para quienes nuna, la tierra, no puede ser nunca propiedad de los humanos. Por lo tanto, si bien existe un modo de apropiación de la casa a nivel lingüístico, la casa contemporánea y el “shack” evocan todavía en algunos aspectos a la tienda y al iglú. El habitus nómade parece estar en una encrucijada.
    • by frederic laugrand

Model Decizie Demisie Fara Preaviz Art 81

Housing is one of the most regulated policy areas in Germany and a highly controversial political field in Berlin. Against a backdrop of significant growth-whether population figures, tourism, or rising rents-we scrutinize recent efforts... more
Housing is one of the most regulated policy areas in Germany and a highly controversial political field in Berlin. Against a backdrop of significant growth-whether population figures, tourism, or rising rents-we scrutinize recent efforts of municipal authorities in Berlin to tackle the 'new housing question'. On a theoretical level we argue that the housing market is made, and the interesting questions centre on this process of making as the object of study. Performativity theory (Butler 1997) provides a way of seeing the housing market, a language to describe the interaction between planning rules and their lived expression as practised and produced via the roles of different actors. Our case study is the development and implementation of a regulatory planning instrument 'Koop-erative Baulandentwicklung' introduced in Berlin in 2014. Commonly known as 'developer contributions' the instrument requires developers to pay for the physical and social infrastructure needed for a new development, in addition prescribing 30 % social housing. Drawing on expert interviews with actors involved in implementing the planning tool in Berlin, we use performativity theory to discuss the 'role-playing' of politicians, lawyers, planners and administration employees, who produce the instrument through everyday performances. While developer contributions only work within a cycle of economic growth and cannot provide a cardinal solution to the Housing Question, dynamic and subtle role-playing has meant that the Berlin housing market is a more regulated space since 2014. Our paper is not only a local story, but also one of wider political relevance-indicating what it takes to tighten the regulatory screws.
    • by Francesca Weber-Newth
Manitoba Housing Complex in Carrington Street in the city centre of Adelaide, South Australia, was an innovative medium density complex designed by the architect Ian Hannaford and built in 1974-75 for the South Australian Housing Trust as... more
Manitoba Housing Complex in Carrington Street in the city centre of Adelaide, South Australia, was an innovative medium density complex designed by the architect Ian Hannaford and built in 1974-75 for the South Australian Housing Trust as a major initiative in public (social) housing design. This was the first Trust new building in the City of Adelaide and the first large-scale construction of public housing in the history of the city since its foundation in 1837. This heritage assessment report was published (PDF) by the South Australian government when Manitoba was confirmed as a historic place on the South Australian Heritage Register in 2015.
    • by Susan Marsden
    • by édouard gardella
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This entry was posted on 5/6/2019.