Business Communication Skills Notes

A while back I was able to attend a seminar by Dr. John Lund on communication where he gave some amazing advice on how to better communicate with others. His input was simple and easy to follow, yet powerful. The best quote of the entire event was this: “Don`t communicate to be understood; rather, communicate so as not to be misunderstood.” What a great way to put things in perspective regarding our efforts on how to improve our communication. Here are some of the notes I made from his presentation:

BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS Introduction:- Developing good business communication skills is as much about the ability. Business correspondence is also deeply concerned with the image of the company in the eyes of the public. People form images about companies from many sources, and correspondence is a major factor. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS Introduction:- Developing good business communication skills is as much about the ability. Business correspondence is also deeply concerned with the image of the company in the eyes of the public. People form images about companies from many sources, and correspondence is a major factor. Types of Business Communication / 1 Chapter 1 Types of Business Communication 1.9. Communication Skills / 2 changes, and keeping the management informed. Therefore the main purpose of every communication in business is to obtain some result that is, to secure an action by the receiver. The sender expects him.

How to successfully begin a conversation in business:

Dr. Voter id online registration india. Lund shared that men in general and women in business settings (so men all the time, and women mostly in a work setting only), want to know three things before they are willing to enter into a conversation with you:

1. Is what you want to talk about going to be painful?

2. How long is it going to take?

3. When you are done talking, what do you want from me?

Communication Lecture Notes

If they don't know these three things up front, they will make excuses to avoid your call or to avoid talking to you on the phone. The same applies if you come into contact with them in person. He shared that your manager or boss in a work setting will always want to know those three things in advance of agreeing to a conversation as well. The reason he gave was that men and executive women always want to know the exit to the conversation before they feel safe engaging in it.

So for example, if you are calling a client, the very first thing you may want to say is: 'I realize how busy you are so I will only need one minute of your time to let you know about __________.' This way the other person knows it will be quick and painless and that you just want to give them a few facts on the call that will only last a minute. Now they can relax and listen to you as you share the requested info. Otherwise, without knowing if the call will be long and painful, they may try to make an excuse that they can't talk right now, etc.


Same thing goes for a sales team. They call a prospective client and the first thing out of their mouth needs to be something to the effect of, 'I realize that your time is very valuable so I will only need two minutes to schedule a time for a second call where I can do a 10-minute demonstration of our ___________.'

Same advice applies for approaching your manager or boss to set up a meeting. Let them know if it will be painful, how long it will take and the end result you are asking for – they will be much more apt to schedule a time for you.

How to successfully conduct a conversation in business:

Dr. Lund shared some amazing tips on how to better understand the way we interpret communication from others. He also revealed some very interesting statistics on this topic. He said that when someone else communicates with us, the way we interpret their message is based on the following three things:

  • 55% is based on their facial expressions and their body language.
  • 37% is based on the tone of their voice.
  • 8% is based on the words they say.

Dr. Lund said that these percentages above are the averages across both men and women together, but that if you looked at women alone they would even give greater weight to the facial expression and body language and even less on the words. This tells us that it is critical that we become very self-aware of how our body language is speaking to others as well as the tone we use. One thing I always recommend to people is to keep a small mirror by your office phone so that when you are on the phone talking to people you can look in the mirror because it makes you more aware of the facial expressions you have, which makes you smile more, which in turn ends up coming through in your tone of voice over the phone. It works wonders on how well you come off on a phone call, trust me!

Business Communication Skills Notes Pdf

Success in business is greatly impacted for better or worse by the way in which we communicate. Happiness in our personal lives is also greatly dependent on this very same skill. If you don’t believe me just ask any married couple! Becoming a good communicator takes practice and consistent attention and effort on our part, and it is a skill that we cannot afford to overlook. There is no doubt that we can all benefit from Dr. Lund’s tips on how to better approach people when we begin a conversation, as well as his advice that we “don`t communicate to be understood; rather, communicate so as not to be misunderstood.”

~~Amy Rees Anderson (@amyreesanderson)

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This entry was posted on 4/14/2019.